Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala

Skin is the mirror which reflects the harmony of internal functions of the body. Any change in skin colour disturbs a person both mentally and physically.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterised by itching and hyperproliferation of keratocytes in the epidermis, with an increased epidermal cell turnover rate.

The disease commonly manifests on the;  elbows, knee, scalp and lumbosacral areas, skin folds( intergluteal clefts) or may cover a large body area.

Common Symptoms

  • Patchy rash that varies widely in how it looks from person to person (Ranging from spots of dandruff-like scaling to significant eruptions over much of the body)
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed.Itching, burning or soreness.
  • Cyclic rashes that flare up for a  few weeks or months and then subside.
  • Rashes that vary in colour, tending to the shades of purple with greyscale on brown or Black skin and pink or red with silver scale on white skin.
  • Limited joint movements – As psoriasis affects joints, It will result in stiffness of joints. This can cause limited joint movements.
  •  Pain and Inflammation on affected areas.

Types of Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis

  • This is the most commonly seen psoriasis.
  • Also known as psoriasis vulgaris.

How to differentiate from other types of psoriasis

  • Covered In silver scale.
  • Raised and inflamed, red patches on the skin
  • Commonly seen on; elbows, knees, scalp, Hands, Feet, and lower back.

Guttate Psoriasis

  • As the word indicates ‘Gutta’- Latin for “Droplets,” these are the small Psoriatic Papules.
  • Usually occurs during or after Streptococcal Infection.
  • Commonly on the trunk of the body and proximities.

Inverse Psoriasis

  • Usually located in a folded area of skin like the Armpits, Groin, Elbow, or knee.
  • Have glossy red patches of rashes.

Pustular Psoriasis

  • It is one of the serious types of psoriasis.
  • Having pus-filled lesions with red borders.
  • Common locations are hands and feet.

Psoriatic Arthritis

  • Having inflammation and rashes in joints known as Dactylitis – inflammation in the entire digit (fingers and toes)
  • Causes deformation of nails and joints
  • The most painful one.

Ayurvedic Approach To Psoriasis

In Ayurveda, almost all skin diseases and lesions are included or come under Kushta Rogas.

   त्वचः कुर्वन्ति वैवर्ण्यं दुष्टाः कुष्टमुशन्ति तत्

Which means that what is characterized by or makes the skin discoloured, which makes the ugly skin look, can be called kushta.

Psoriasis can be considered as Kshudra kushta because of its recurrent and itchy nature.

Aetiological Factors

Even though Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, In Ayurveda, certain causative factors are mentioned.

Diet And Regimens

  • Mithya ahara viharaConsumption of contraindicatory foods and drinks, activities.
  • Intake of excessive oily and heavy foods in daily routine.
  • Suppression of natural urges.
  • Improper implementation of prescribed order in relation to cold, heat, fasting and diet.
  • Indulgence of food during Indigestion.
  • Excessive exposure to heat and cold.
  • Intake of curd, fish, salt and sour substances in excess.
  • Sleeping during the daytime.
  • Loss of sleep.

Psychological Factors

  • Excessive anxiety.
  • Fear and grief.


Consumption of causative factors brings an imbalance in Tridosha in our human body and looseness in Dhatus (Tvak, Rakta, Mamsa and Ambu).

It says that Pitta dosha gets vitiated first in Psoriasis. 

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment


Usually, management of this condition includes both Samana (Pacifying treatment ) and Shodhana (Purification treatment )

In Samana karma ( Pacifying treatment ) Mainly internal medications are given to pacify doshas. While In Shodhana karma( Purification treatment)- Panchakarmas are done.

Even though the main line of treatment is Samana and Shodhana, it will differ from person to person as per the physical and mental conditions of the patient and the stage of the disease.

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala

Panchakarma In Psoriasis 

Since psoriasis is a condition in which vitiated doshas combine with Sapta dravyas of the body (i.e., seven elements – Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Lasika) and thus produce symptoms.

Thus shodhana( purification therapy) is an essential part of treatment.

By nature, Psoriasis is chronic and difficult to get cure, so it is called Dushchikitsa (difficult to treat) and thus, by Shodhana ( Purification therapy) is easier to remove the root cause and prevent the disease’s recurrence.

Main Shodhana Karma( Purification treatments) that are practised;

    • Vamana (emesis)
    • Virechana(purgation)
    • Vasti (Enema)
    • Nasya (nasal drop installation)
    • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)

Before the start of the Shodhana Karma (Purification process) procedure, called Deepana and Pachana ( procedure to increase the digestive fire) is done. After that, Snehapanam (oleation therapy) is done, especially before emesis and purgation treatment, to prepare the body for Shodhana Karma (purification procedure).

Deepana and Pachana

Here internal medications are given to increase the digestive fire and make the body Ruksha (dry) a little bit; thus, in Snehapanam (oleation therapy), the body absorbs much and helps in Shodhana Karma (Purification therapy).

Snehapanam (Internal oleation treatment)

Snehapanam (oleation treatment) in Kushta (psoriasis) is a unique concept. Usually, ghee intake is done.

Based on type, the manifestation of symptoms can be broadly classified as

  •  Ruksha (dry) variety.   
  •  Snigdha (wet) variety.

In the dry variety of kushta (psoriasis), snehapanam (oleation)has to be done till the appearance of Samyak Snigdha Lakshanam(proper oleated symptoms) Whereas in wet varieties, more snigdhata (oiliness) is contraindicated.

Usually, the snehapanam (intaking ghee) procedure extends upto seven days. After that, Bahya Snehana (external oleation), like Abhyanga ( oil massage), is done. And thereafter shodhana (purification treatment ) is done either Vamana (emesis) or Virechana (purgation), and it is chosen according to the Rogi and Rogavastha (condition of patient and severity of disease), Dosha Pradhanya (predominance of vitiated doshas – vata, pita, kapha in disease).

Swedanam (Sudation)

After Snehapanam (Internal oleation therapy) comes to Swedana (sudation).Usually, mild sudation therapy is given to psoriatic patients like Nadi swedana (mild type of sudation) is given since sudation therapy is contraindicated in skin disease.

Role Of Swedana In Psoriasis

After snehapana (oleation therapy), all the doshas get vitiated again, and by swedana (sudation therapy), it does vilayana (dissolves) the vitiated doshas, and it makes it easier to come out of the body during Shodhana karma (purification treatment).

Vamana (Emesis)

Is one of the shodhana karma (purification process), one among the panchakarma of the body usually done after snehapana (internal oleation therapy) in psoriasis treatment.

Is indicated in conditions like;

   दोषोत्क्लिष्टे हृदये वाम्यः कुष्टेषु चोर्ध्वभागेषु ।

  • Kapha dosha is the predominant type of psoriasis.
  • If lesions are present, moreover, the upper part of the body.

And Vamana (Emesis therapy) should be administered every fortnight.

Virechana (Purgation)

It is another Shodhana karma (purification therapy) which is indicated in;

  • Pitta pradhana (predominant of pitta dosha)
  • If vitiated doshas are situated down the amashaya (stomach) and pakwashaya (large intestine).
  • If symptoms are more manifested in the adha bagh (lower part of the body).

Nitya Virechanam (Purgation on a daily basis) 

  • One of the Acharya (School of thought)  recommended daily purgation since it is a bahu dosha vyadhi (with vitiation of excess doshas and chronic in nature).
  • Daily morning purgation can be administered for 5,6,7 or 8 days.

Or up to the purification of vitiated doshas.

Vasti (Enema)

Even Though Vasti is directly contraindicated by Acharyas (Ancient Scholars) because it aggravates Kushta Rogas (Skin diseases), but still it has been practised by ancient scholars that if Vata dosha is more aggravated, then Vasti is practised. 

Nasyam (Nasal instillation)

Nasya is another panchakarma treatment indicated where there is;

Kapha pradhana (predominance of Kapha dosha)

If the symptoms are present, moreover, on Urdhva Jatrugatha(upper part of the neck region of the body).

  • शुद्धिमूर्द्धिनि स्यात्त्रिरात्रात् षष्ठे षष्ठे मास्यसृङ्मोक्षणं च l 

Nasya should be practiced once every three days or seven days.

Raktamokshana (BloodlettingTherapy)

Raktamokshana (Bloodletting) is indicated in;

  • Pitta pradhana (if pitta dosha is more aggravated).
  • Kleda pradhana (if it is wet in nature).

There are different types of bloodletting therapies are there in Ayurveda, like Jalukavacharnam (bloodletting using leech), Prachanam, Siravyadha( using needles) Among these, Prachanam is advised in Alpa (less severe) in nature, and Siravyadha (using needles) is advised in Maha (more severe).


Siravyadha( bloodletting) is done in places like Lalata (forehead), hasta (hand), and pada (leg) is advised.

  • शुद्धिमूर्द्धिनि स्यात्त्रिरात्रात् षष्ठे षष्ठे मास्यसृङ्मोक्षणं च l 

Raktamokshana (bloodletting) is advised to be done once in 6 months.

Thus these are the shodhana (purification therapy) done in Psoriasis (kushta rogas).

Pathya and Apathya (Do’s and Don’Ts)

Pathya- Food and regimens that can be used

Foods–  wheat, barley, green gram, pomegranate, bitter gourd, garlic, nutmeg

Others– Nimba, Haridra, black pepper, old clarified butter, honey

Regimens– bathing, light exercise, proper sleep

Apathya- Foods and regimens that can’t be used

Food – Newly harvested cereals, incompatible foods, food with heavy, cold and unctuous properties, food causing a burning sensation and obstructing channels, Curd, sesame seeds, fish, sour substance, jaggery, milk.

Regimens– Day sleep, suppression of natural urges, mental stress, excessive exercise.

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment

Why Choose Ayurveda For Psoriasis?

Ayurveda is well known for its authenticity and tradition in treating diseases in a multidimensional aspect, both physically and mentally. Hence psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects a person’s life physically and mentally. It is necessary to treat such conditions through science that equally gives importance to a person’s physical and mental health, along with symptomatic relief for a long duration. Here Ayurveda plays the role where treatment is entirely different from one person to another since each person’s nature of the body is different from others, and the disease condition is also different from one to one.

Ayurveda not only gives symptomatic relief but also the chance of recurrence will be much less after doing purification therapy, and hence a person has long-term relief from disease. At the same time, with symptomatic reliefs after purification and pacify therapy and by changing the lifestyles according to the disease and nature of the body, the ratio of recurrence will be almost zero, ensuring long-term relief and prevention of recurrence from the disease up to an extent.

Benefits Of Treating Psoriasis At Dheemahi Ayurveda Village.

Dheemahi Ayurveda is 100% result oriented, with the knowledge of the past five generations,

Dheemahi Ayurveda is an authentic and traditional Ayurveda Hospital, and We have a team of expert doctors for your consultation. For us, our first priority is patient health and wellness, so we follow up with your health concerns. 

Dheemahi Ayurveda Village provides a peaceful atmosphere along with authentic treatment.Since we are having our own pharmacy and medicine manufacturing unit through this, we can ensure the quality of medicines simultaneously with assurance in cure percentage and treatment authenticity. Our professional team helps you achieve a complete state of health and vitality. Following a healthy routine of food and building up a healthy lifestyle during the treatment duration will help you to lead a healthy life without any risk of the recurrence of the disease up to an extent.  


Even Though one of the problematic autoimmune conditions affecting the skin, Ayurveda treatments are effective in managing Psoriasis. The psychological involvement in these conditions makes the treatment go multi-dimensional. There are chances of recurrence if the patient returns to an unfavourable lifestyle and food habits.

How Our Booking Process Works

The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment.

Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.


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