Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala

Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala

Experience the best Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala at Dheemahi Atyrvedic Village. According to Ayurveda, There are mainly treatment in 2 ways, They are  

  • Samana Chikitsa
  • Sodhana Chikitsa

Samana Chikitsa (Conservative Treatment )

After proper assessment of the patient by the doctor , authentic ayurvedic formulations are prescribed.

Which includes,

  • Kashaya   (Decoction)

Decoction obtained by boiling course powder or Dried Drugs .

  • Gulika     (Tablets)

Is a tablet form they are made by rolling medicinal pastes into balls and drying with use of drier

  • Choornam  (Powder) 

Take enough quantity of dried Drugs and are cleaned properly , and made into powder by grinding and filtering.

  • Ghrita  (Medicated Ghee)

Ghee is processed by the drugs that are suitable for the treatment.

Sodhana Chikitsa (Purification Treatment)

Authentic and well planned ayurveda panchakarma treatment mentioned in Classical ayurveda text will give the patient 

    1. Deepanam and Pachnam (Improving digestive power)
    2. Snehanam  (Oil administration)
    3. Swedanam  ( Perspiration )
    4. Virechanam  (Purgation) 
    5. Basti  (Enema)

What is Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver Disease is a condition in which accumulation of fat in the liver , amount of accumulation of fat about five to ten percent more than organ weight is said to be fatty liver is also known as Hepatic Steatosis

Causes of Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is mainly caused by over use of Alcohol. But now a days Non alcoholic fatty liver is also seen It is due to sedentary lifestyle 

Fatty liver is also produced with underline disease such as,

  • Hypertension 
  • Type 2  Diabetes 
  • Dislipidemia 
  • Obesity 
  • PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome)
  • Chronic Hepatitis B & C
  • Due to side effect of certain Drugs 

Types of Fatty Liver

Mainly it 2 type 

  • Alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Non Alcoholic fatty liver.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver 

Is caused due to over consumption of alcohol.  The liver tolerates mild alcohol consumption, but as the consumption of alcohol increases, which disturbed metabolic functioning of the liver. The initial stage accumulation of fat in the liver cells and the size of the liver increases  is called  fatty liver. After this the  alcohol consumption does not stop and leads to alcoholic hepatitis. Again ignoring and consuming alcohol liver disease progresses to severe damage to liver cells known as  alcoholic cirrhosis.


  1. Loss of appetite 
  2. Weight loss
  3. Sign of jaundice (Yellowish discolouration on eye and skin)
  4. Abdominal pain 
  5. Nausea 
  6. Fatigue 

Non Alcoholic Fatty liver 

Also known as metabolic dysfunction associated with fatty liver disease. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition caused by a build-up of fat in the liver. Mainly it  affects people who drink little to no alcohol. It’s usually seen in people who are overweight or obese.


It usually has no symptoms 

  • Fatigue 
  • Malaise 
  • Pain or discomfort in upper right side of abdomen 
Fatty Liver

Causes and Symptoms

According to Ayurveda , the liver is said to  be Yakrut. Yakrut and Pleeha (Spleen) have the same Physiology related to Formation and maturation of blood. The root of  Rasa Vaha srotas (which carry mature blood) lie in Yakrut (Liver) and Pleeha (Spleen).Yakrut is the origin or center of production and maintenance of Pitta. Ranjaka pitta (one type of pitta) is located in Yakrut. When the rasa dhatu (the first formed tissue in gut from the essence of food by the action of Agni (Digestive power) is Lymph/ chyle) it enters to Yakrut (Liver) the ranjaka pitta act on Rasa Dhatu result the formation and maturation of Rakta (blood). 

According to Ayurveda, Yakrutodara is referred to be Fatty liver By Ayurveda theory it is caused by Atisanchita Dosha (exess accumulation of Dosha (toxins)) is referred to be Udara roga . in Fattyliver is caused by excess accumulation of kapha and medas in liver (Yakrut)


  1. Abhisyandi Ahara (excessive intake of oily foods (Junk foods) )
  2. Vidhahi aharam ( Food which causing burning sensation after eating)
  3. Lack of exercise 
  4. Sedentary lifestyle 
  5. Suppression of natural urges

Samprapti (Pathogenesis)

According to Ayurveda,

Stage 1  Due to above said Causes

Stage 2  Aggravation of Kaphadi Dosha  

Stage 3  Pitta dosha is located in Liver , By the vitiation of Kapha which blocks the pitta dosha

Stage 4 Leads to pathological damage in the form of inflammatory changes in liver 

Stage 5 Leads to enlargement of liver (Fatty liver)


  • Lack of taste in mouth
  • Indigestion
  • Retention  of urine
  • Mild  fever
  • Abdominal  pain
  • Yellowish discolouration in skin eyes and urine 
  • Excessive  thirst
  • Constipation
  • tiredness  in the body parts
  • Cough and Dyspnea
  • Vomiting 

Liver is a second largest organ in our body which performs many functions such as removing toxins from the blood streams , maintaining blood sugar level in the blood etc ..

Functions of liver

The liver is an essential organ with multiple life-supporting functions, that regulates  most chemical levels in the blood and secretes a clear yellow fluid called bile. Simply, it supports metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification and vitamin storage. The bile secreted by the liver , breaks down the fat in the small intestine for further digestion and absorption other than bile production, 

  1. Stores Vitamins and Minerals 
  2. Albumin Production
  3. Processes Glucose
  4. Regulates Amino Acids
  5. Resists Infections

Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Fatty Liver

According to ayurveda ahara(food) is medicine. Eating proper food at the proper time will make you healthy. That’s why Diet place  has a key role in Ayurvedic treatment. As per  Ayurveda, 3 main factors of health and disease were Oushada (Drug) , Ahara (Diet) , Vihara (Conducts). And the physician advises diet on the basis of  age, digestive power, constitution, habitat, season and  disease , considering these factors. According to ayurveda, a diet should possess 6 rasa (taste) . They are sweet, sour, salt, astringent, bitter and pungent. Each of these rasa promotes nourishment of the body. 

Ayurveda has recognized that the body is  an outcome of the food. Acharya Sushruta explains that the food which nourishes the heart and improves memory , strength, digestive power and longevity of life.Moreover during medication ayurveda recommend some specific diet that which plays major role in prevention and management of a disease 

Pathya ahara defined as food that is suitable and protects the body tissue , helps in growth and development then control the vitiated condition was referred as Pathya ahara.

Apathya ahara is defined as food that is not beneficial to health.

Pathya Ahara (Wholesome Diet)

  • Cereals Shashtika(Oryza sativa ), Yava(Barley), Godhuma (wheat ) 
  • Mudga (Green gram)
  • Fruits grapes, casted apple, pomegranate, apple, Ripened kiwi
  • Vegetable snake guard, beans, Drum stick, brinjal, potato, Radish
  • Milk Product Ghee, Milk , Takra (Buttermilk) 

Apathya Ahara (Unwholesome Diet)

  • Rice flour, Tila (sesame seeds), foods having Hot ,salty,sour 
  • Masa (Black gram)
  • Orange, lemon, mango, watermelon 
  • Curd 
  • All fish

Ayurvedic Diagnosis for Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease (FLD), characterised by fat accumulation in liver cells, has become increasingly common worldwide. This condition can lead to serious complications, including liver inflammation, cirrhosis, and liver failure if left untreated. 

While modern medicine often relies on lifestyle changes, medications, and sometimes surgical interventions, Ayurveda, the ancient system of healing from India, offers a holistic approach to managing and reversing fatty liver disease. 

Numerous centres are offering specialised Ayurvedic treatments for fatty liver. These treatments focus on detoxifying the liver, restoring the balance of the body’s energies (doshas) and improving overall health.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Fatty Liver

In Ayurveda, Fatty Liver is understood as a disorder related to the imbalance of the Pitta and Kapha doshas. According to Ayurvedic principles, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and improper digestion contribute to the body’s accumulation of toxins (Ama). These toxins, combined with aggravated Pitta and Kapha doshas, can lead to the development of fatty liver.

Causative Factors for fatty liver, according to Ayurveda

The causative factors leading to fatty liver are consuming plenty of milk and dairy products with excessive spices like chilli and no physical exercise with a sedentary lifestyle. Even your afternoon naps can contribute to this. Kapha predominant Prakriti or kapha pitta predominant Prakriti people can get this easily.

Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver focuses on balancing and pacifying Pitta and Kapha doshas, improving digestion, and detoxifying the liver. 

Yoga Poses Recommended for Fatty Liver

While yoga alone may not cure fatty liver disease, it can complement a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Yoga can help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. Here are some yoga poses that may be beneficial for individuals with fatty liver disease:

Mountain Pose (Tadasana): This pose helps improve posture and alignment, promoting better liver function.

Twisting Poses (e.g., Bharadvajasana): Twisting poses can stimulate the abdominal organs, including the liver. Always perform twists with awareness and avoid over-twisting.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): This pose can help stretch the spine and stimulate the liver.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): This pose can help strengthen the back muscles and improve blood circulation to the abdominal organs.

Child’s Pose (Balasana): This relaxing pose can help reduce stress and may benefit overall liver health.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Cobra pose can help strengthen the back muscles and stimulate abdominal organs.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This inversion pose can help improve blood circulation and may positively affect the liver.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): This dynamic flow between cat and cow poses can help massage the abdominal organs and improve spinal flexibility.

Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana I and II): These poses can help strengthen the legs and open the chest, promoting better overall circulation.

Corpse Pose (Savasana): This final relaxation pose can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.

Additionally, yoga should be practised mindfully, and individuals should listen to their bodies, avoiding poses that cause discomfort or pain. Regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and a healthy weight are crucial to managing fatty liver disease.

Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment

Why Choose Ayurveda for Fatty Liver?

Ayurveda, known for its safe and effective treatments, holds promising potential in addressing Fatty Liver Disease (FLD). Virechana, a prominent detoxification therapy, is particularly suitable for managing liver disorders, especially in cases of imbalanced doshas (Bahu Doshavastha) and obstructed channels (Srotorodha).Furthermore, Ayurveda offers a range of safe and efficacious hepatoprotective herbs to address various liver ailments. These herbs play a vital role in supporting liver function and promoting its health.

As Fatty Liver progresses to more advanced stages when the body tissues (Dhatus) become involved, the treatment approach shifts towards the purification (Prasadana) of Rasa (plasma) and Rakta (blood). Additionally, Yakritshothahara Chikitsa, a specialized treatment for liver disorders, is recommended to comprehensively manage and alleviate the condition.

Benefits of Treating Fatty Liver at Dheemahi  Ayurveda

We have a team of expert doctors for your consultation. Our first priority is patient health and wellness, so we follow up with your health concerns. Dheemahi Ayurveda is 100% result oriented with the knowledge of the past 5 generations,Is an authentic and traditional Ayurveda Hospital.With daily consultations we provide more reliability as by doing physical examinations, doctors can get more findings about the condition of the patient.For chronic diseases – routine follow-up check-up is also an essential requirement which cannot be ignored.

In the case of therapies needed for the relief of the symptoms the supervision of a doctor is very much important.Dheemahi facilitates supervision of our doctors in every Panchakarma therapies  with exact documentation of your treatment schedule.Mind serves equal importance as the body in attaining a healthy life.

Ayurvedic Fatty Liver Treatment

Discover effective Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala at our specialized Ayurvedic center. Fatty liver, a prevalent liver disease globally, occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver, leading to potential complications such as inflammation, scarring, and cirrhosis. According to Ayurveda, the liver, known as Yakrut, plays a crucial role in blood formation and maintenance of Pitta, a vital bodily element.

Our Ayurvedic treatments address the root cause of fatty liver by restoring balance to Yakrut and promoting optimal liver function. With personalized therapies deeply rooted in ancient wisdom, we offer holistic remedies to manage fatty liver naturally and restore overall liver health. Experience the healing power of Ayurveda for Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala at our esteemed center.

Fatty Liver Treatment at Dheemahi

According to Ayurveda, Fatty Liver Treatment and management can be done mainly in two ways : 



After analysing the body constitution and medical conditions, ayurvedic formulations like kashaya(decoction), churna(medicated powder), gulika ( tablets)and ghritha( medicated ghee) are given. 

  1. Kashaya (Decoction):

Preparation of a decoction by boiling coarse powder or dried drugs.

This may include herbs known for their detoxifying or liver-protective properties.

  1. Gulika (Tablets):

Tablets are made by rolling medicinal pastes into balls and drying them using a drier.

The tablets likely contain a combination of herbs beneficial for liver health.

  1. Choornam (Powder):

Grinding and filtering dried drugs to create a powder.

The powder may consist of herbs traditionally used for liver disorders, following the principles of Vatavyadi Chikitsa.

  1. Ghrita (Medicated Ghee):

Processing ghee with herbs is suitable for the treatment of fatty liver.

Medicated ghee is used for its therapeutic effects on the liver.


Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver involves a holistic approach, focusing on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and herbal formulations along

with panchakarma therapies. These include : 

1.Deepanam and Pachnam (Improving digestive power)

2.Snehanam  (Oil administration)

3.Swedanam  ( Perspiration )

4.Virechanam  (Purgation) 

5.Basti  (Enema)

  1. Deepanam and Pachnam (Improving Digestive Power):

Measures to enhance digestive power, as compromised digestion is often associated with liver disorders.

  1. Snehanam (Oil Administration):

Administration of medicated oils to improve lubrication and nourishment of tissues.

  1. Swedanam (Perspiration):

Inducing perspiration to eliminate toxins through the skin.

  1. Virechanam (Purgation):

Purgative therapies to cleanse the digestive system and eliminate accumulated toxins.

  1. Basti (Enema):

Enema treatments to cleanse and rejuvenate the colon, often using herbal decoctions or oils.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Fatty Liver ayurvedic treatment safe?

Yes, Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver is generally considered safe, provided it is administered under the supervision of a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner. Ayurveda focuses on restoring balance in the body through a combination of herbal remedies, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic treatments like Panchakarma.

How long does it take to show results for Fatty Liver ayurvedic treatment?

The time it takes to see results from Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the condition, the individual’s overall health, and how consistently the treatment is followed. In general, Ayurvedic treatments are gradual, focusing on restoring balance to the liver and the body as a whole, rather than providing quick fixes.

How to prepare for Fatty Liver ayurvedic treatment?

Preparing for Ayurvedic treatment for fatty liver involves a few important steps to ensure that the treatment is effective and safe. Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine, and successful treatment depends not only on the therapies and herbal remedies used but also on your mindset, lifestyle, and dietary habits.

What is not included in the tariff and charged extra?
  • Taxi pick-up from Kochi Airport: ₹3000/- for small cars (4-seater) and ₹4500/- for big cars (6-seater)
  • Taxi pick-up from Kottayam railway station: ₹1400
  • Boating to the lake
  • Laundry: ₹150 per wash cycle (washing and drying only, no ironing)
  • Medical investigations (blood tests, urine tests, ultrasonography, etc.) and associated transportation charges
  • Aftercare medications to take home
  • Any additional transportation needs
  • Therapies outside the scope of the doctor’s advice
How should I prepare for Ayurvedic treatments?

Get Ready Mentally: Preparing your mindset is crucial for a profound and life-changing journey. Share any dietary needs or health concerns, and keep an open attitude

What is the daily program schedule?

Our daily routine may vary based on consultation decisions, but generally include:

  • 6:30 AM: Yoga (replaced by therapy sessions on some days)
  • 7:45 AM: Kashaya Pana (Herbal Medicines)
  • 8:00 AM: Breakfast
  • 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Therapy Sessions
  • 12:45 PM: Lunch
  • 2:30 PM: Therapy Sessions as per schedule
  • Evening: Walk, cycling, or swimming pool
  • 6:45 PM: Kashaya Pana (Herbal Medicines)
  • 7:00 PM: Dinner
  • Early to bed
What should I carry with me to the resort?
  • Clothes: Casuals, light woolens, cotton tees, and trousers for yoga classes
  • Medical: Past medical history records and prescriptions
  • Books, etc.
What is your payment and cancellation policy?

If there are any changes to your plans, please inform us. We do not believe in a complicated cancellation policy. Although we previously had a policy for deducting an advance amount, we have never enforced it. If you are not satisfied with our care after arriving, you only need to pay for the services you have received.

How do I choose the right package?

Our doctors will select the best package to ensure you receive the most suitable treatment for your needs.

How do I book a stay?
  • Step 1: Submit a consultation form
  • Step 2: Discuss with the doctor
  • Step 3: Confirm your booking

How Our Booking Process Works

The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment.

Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.


Consultation Form

Fill out our consultation form, and let us know when will you be available for our doctor to talk to you


Discussion with Doctor

Discuss your health condition and expectations with our doctor.


Booking Confirmation

Confirm the booking by making a payment of 50% advance. 

Consultation Form

Submit this form to initiate a booking with us

Have any queries? We will help you. Talk to us now

Say Goodbye to Health Woes & Hello to Healthy Living

Dheemahi Ayurvedic Pvt Ltd
12/386 Varaputhara Road
Kumarakom, Kerala, India
Pin 686563

Dheemahi Ayurvedic Centre, Near Neelimangalam Bridge, Kumaranaloor, Perumbaikad.P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Pin 686016