
Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Yoga for Back Pain Relief Dr. Amritha B.A.M.SYoga is a holistic system of physical exercise that promotes strength, flexibility, and balance. Through a combination of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques), yoga helps to improve circulation, enhance...

What is an Ayurveda Retreat?

What is an Ayurveda Retreat?

What is an Ayurveda Retreat? Dr. Amritha B.A.M.SAyurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine that focuses on the balance between the mind, body, and spirit to promote overall health and well-being. Nowadays, Ayurvedic retreats have become increasingly popular as...

Why Choose Ayurveda Resorts Over Spa?

Why Choose Ayurveda Resorts Over Spa?

Why Choose Ayurveda Resorts Over Spa?Ayurveda resorts in Kerala offer more than just relaxation; they're keepers of ancient wisdom. This knowledge isn't new; it's been passed down for generations. Therapists often come from families deeply rooted in Ayurveda. So, when...

Benefits of Ayurveda Resorts in Kerala

Benefits of Ayurveda Resorts in Kerala

Benefits of Ayurveda Resorts in Kerala Dr. Amritha B.A.M.SKerala, famously known as "God's Own Country," is renowned for its serene backwaters and lush green landscapes but also for its rich tradition of Ayurveda. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine,...

Ayurveda resort packages in kerala

Ayurveda resort packages in kerala

Ayurveda resort packages in kerala Dr. Amritha B.A.M.SIntroduction Nestled along Kerala's serene backwaters and lush greenery, Ayurvedic resorts offer a sanctuary for those seeking holistic wellness and rejuvenation. With its roots deeply embedded in ancient Indian...

Panchakarma and What You Need to Know

Panchakarma and What You Need to Know

Panchakarma and What You Need to Know Dr. Amritha B.A.M.SIntroduction Panchakarma, an ancient therapeutic practice rooted in Ayurveda, is a beacon of holistic healing that addresses the intricate balance between the body, mind, and spirit. With its origins dating back...

How Our Booking Process Works

The unique approach involves a series of discussion during your initial decision-making process to make sure that we will be able to match your expectations with our treatment.

Based on the discussions with you our team of expert doctors will design the best treatment package personalized for your needs.


Consultation Form

Fill out our consultation form, and let us know when will you be available for our doctor to talk to you


Discussion with Doctor

Discuss your health condition and expectations with our doctor.


Booking Confirmation

Confirm the booking by making a payment of 50% advance. 

Consultation Form

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